
How Do You Preserve Your Bible?

The Holy Bible is a staple in every Christian home. In fact, this type of literature is even kept in the family for generations due to the sentimental value it holds. But like any regular book, the Bible is also susceptible to wear and tear and to the effects of depreciation because it is still made of paper and other raw materials.The good news, however, is that the issue of preserving your Bible is not a hopeless case because there are several methods you can employ to maintain your valuable book and conserve it for many generations to come. In today’s brief discussion, I will provide you with the essential procedures to preserve Bible and how you can protect it from the elements.

So without any further delays, let’s begin…

Scan the Pages of the Holy Bible

The very first thing that you have to do to preserve Bible is to scan the pages of the Bible. Now, the purpose of the tasks for you is to observe damages. If some of the pages are wrinkled, straighten them out, so you prevent further breakage of the Bible, and if there is tearing, you can use Scotch tape to put them together.

However, if the pages are falling out or has obtained water damage, you may need an expert to restore them and make them usable once again.

Store Them in the Right Storage Spot

Secondly, you have to store them in the right storage spot. The recommended storage area of the Bible should be within room temperature. You should keep your Bible and other books as well from the direct heat of the sunlight. Ideally, the room should be cool, dry, and dark, which is similar to the conditions you’ll find inside a closet.

If you are indeed thinking of storing it inside the confines of the closet, you have to be sure that the area has proper airflow circulating to prevent humidity and other elements from causing deprecation to run its toll.

Consider an Archival Box

You may need an archival box if you are indeed serious to preserve Bible for many generations to come. However, you also have to be careful of the archival box you are considering as well because there are boxes that can lead to damage instead to conserving the Holy Book.

Put It Down on a Flat Surface

The cover of the Bible is usually made of leather from goatskin, pigskin, cowhide, and calfskin. Now, these raw materials are not preferable if they are stored in a standing position like in any other book. They have to be stored in a lying position in order to preserve Bible, especially its covers.

Take it Out Only When You’re Using it

If you do not intend to use your Bible, you don’t have to take it out of the storage to prevent the book from exposing to the elements or potential accidents that could cause it damage.

Consider a Bible Cover

If you are bringing your Bible to church or in your travels, then you may want to consider a Bible cover to preserve the aesthetics of the book. Similar to an archival box, you may have to consciously select the bible covers you are going to use over your book to prevent any damage.


The list I provided in this article is some of the best recommendations you can make to preserve Bible.

Although the raw materials of the Bible could depreciate over time, there are several useful tips on how you can preserve the Bible and prolong its life for many generations to come.