How To Launch Your Game App?

Launching your game app can be nerve-racking. If you don’t follow the perfect strategy all your hard work will go down the drain. Now you can relax because we are here to solve all your problems. In this piece, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about launching your game application.

Games have so much freedom. You can go anywhere you want.” – Jeneva Chen.

Steps to launch a gaming application:

Setting The Launch Date

Before doing anything else, first, sit down and decide the launch date for your game app. The first step towards a perfect launching plan is to set the date. This will help you plan out other things very smoothly. When you know your launch date you will be able to organise and plan all your pre-launch activities so that everything gets ready just in time.

One thing that you must keep in mind while setting a date is that it has to be realistic. Don’t set a very strict deadline, set a deadline that you will be able to keep up with.

Video games foster the mindset that allows creativity to grow.”

Don’t Forget To Research

Never miss researching! It is one of the most important steps to launch a killer gaming application. Here are some of the researching ideas:

  • Find your target audience

 The very first thing you should do is to find your target audience. You should know whom you want to target and more importantly your target audience should know about your game app.

Finding your target audience can be challenging especially if it is your first app. Begin by basic things like gender or age of your target audience moving on to the specifics like does your app targets a casual audience or a mid-core audience.

  • Competitors:

Always know your rivals and keep an eye on what they are doing. It might not help you very much but it will motivate you to get started and create something unique.

Build your online presence

Building an online presence is the key to a successful application. Start working on being virtually visible way before the launch. This will create excitement amongst your audience. Building an online presence will help you build a community that will support you. When your game app will be launched you will already have a handful of users ready to download it.

Here are some of the ideas on how you can create an effective online presence:

  • Build your website: the most important thing to do for building your online presence is to create a website for your game application. Even if you haven’t launched your app yet, a website will prove to be a great platform to announce the launch date and create hype.
  • Social media platforms: Use social media platforms effectively to acquire support even before the launch. Now the question arises which platform to use. Facebook, Instagram, tik tok and Twitter are some of the best platforms to build an effective online presence.
  • Gaming communities: make your presence in the gaming community. Get in touch with the community to not only promote your game but also be in touch with the community. Use platforms such as Reddit and discord to make yourself visible in the gaming community.

Create a good soft launch strategy

Another important step is to create a soft launch strategy. This will help you to split test things such as user retention, game design, monetisation methods and much more. Wondering why we didn’t recommend a hard launch?

It is because a hard launch gives a big push in a short period which would require you to spend a lot of money on ads. While soft-launching you will get to know various aspects of your game app which will help you in making the necessary changes. Once all the issues with the game will be soft it is then when you should go for a hard launch.

Hard launch

Once all the issues with your game app are resolved you can go for a hard launch. Now your game app is polished and is ready to shine in front of the world. Yes! It is fondly the perfect time to release your game. Here is what you will have to do:

  • Announce on all your platforms: it is finally time for you to make an announcement on all of your social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, websites and so on.
  • Build a press kit: before reaching out to bloggers and reviewers you should create a press kit. A press kit is something that will help influencers and journalists understand the game. A press kit should include some basic information about the price, release date, contact information, website, supported platforms and so on.
  • Once the press kit is ready it is now the perfect time to contact bloggers and press. Wondering how this will help you? Bloggers, influencers and press will help your game to get featured and reach a larger audience.

Boost your game through paid ads

Once you have followed all the steps you should go heavy on advertising and start boosting your game app. Paid ads will help more people to know about your game. Set your budget and allocate it accordingly on various platforms. Invest more on the platforms where you have your maximum target audience.

What after launch?

Your work is not over even after launch. You should continue to make improvements in your app as needed. Keep learning and keep improving. You should keep promoting your game app on a regular basis.

Always stay active on your social media and interact with your audience and most importantly take the feedback of the users seriously and try to solve the issues they face. Besides, keep working on making improvements and launching new features in the app after every few months.


We know that launching a gaming app especially if it’s your first app. But if you follow these strategies correctly you will be able to gain success. The key to a successful game application lies in its uniqueness. Your app should be unique and exciting at the same time to create an obsession amongst the target audience.